Forecasting Europe 2021 |

Forecasting Europe 2021

Forecasting Europe 2021

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11 December 2020

2020 was certainly an eventful year for Europe, with the Green Deal, corona and Brexit. And 2021 will be just as eventful, judging from the interviews conducted by our colleagues with five eminent EU experts: Louis Meuleman (Environmental Implementation Review), Professor Ronnie Belmans (University of Leuven), Pieter Hasekamp (Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, CPB), Ellen Nauta-van Moorsel (Committee of the Regions) and Christiaan Nelisse (Clingendael, think tank on international relations).

The agreements made in the coming year in Europe are bound to have significant consequences for the Netherlands. The interviews are published in an article entitled ‘Forecasting Europe 2021’. They cover five themes, ranging from topical issues relating to the European Green Deal and the role of central government to the impact of corona on the health sector and the economy, through to opportunities for cooperation for local and regional governments, and the implications of the Brexit deal and/or no-deal.

Curious to know what lies ahead for the Netherlands and the EU? Want to be well prepared for the New Year? Download the summary of Forecasting Europe 2021 (pdf, 732 kB) and read the key findings for the coming year.